New paper in Psychological Methods

What is the paper about?

The study of behavior in daily life settings is facilitated by ambulatory assessment methods, which allow collecting data as people go about their daily life. Such intensive longitudinal data contain information about the time of a particular event, for example, when a social interaction with a friend took place. The timing and type (interaction with, e.g., friend, family, and partner) of these events can be analyzed with survival models, which were originally developed for biomedical applications. Within the psychological literature, survival models are underrepresented. For this reason, we provide an in-depth tutorial and example application on survival models for repeated, multicategory event data.

Elmer, T., van Duijn, M. A. J., Ram, N., & Bringmann, L. F. (2023). Modeling categorical time-to-event data: The example of social interaction dynamics captured with event-contingent experience sampling methods. Psychological Methods. Advance online publication. doi
